Your product's story from end to end...

The story of a brand paired with a deep grasp of each individual product’s story can help brands and retailers choose the best items to take to market each season.

The go-to-market process

The current go-to-market process is defined by critical steps that help both brands and retailers make informed decisions. However, there’s currently no single tool available on the market to help key players simplify and speed up the go-to-market process.

Some critical opportunities that exist in the go-to-market process include:


Brands are missing full quantitative and qualitative product information they can find in one place.


They're unable to easily track/monitor products for their entire lifecycle and from season to season.


There is no way to capture the collective feedback and live intelligence throughout the process.

Operational analysis 

Currently, brands must utilize a number of analysis tools to forecast potential sales of products.

There are currently no software tools on the market that offer both qualitative and quantitative data analysis in a single platform, so users must rely on multiple programs.

Introducing an all-in-one solution

Flywheel Technologies is your full, go-to-market ecosystem that lives inside a single platform, housing the entire collective intelligence of the marketplace that you can use to maximize your brand’s performance.

There is no one platform that captures the market cycle in a comprehensive go-to-market fashion that can act at every single level of the product’s life. Flywheel brings all these things together to provide key insights into a product’s performance in the market through the use of six cohesive add-ons.

Product-level market performance

A comprehensive tool that captures market performance at a product level. Product Point utilizes a comprehensive database tool that can catalogue and track products throughout their life cycle. The database captures all the product information provided by the brand and then builds upon this with marketplace feedback.

the ultimate Go-to-market salesforce tool

Using intuitive permance analytics, Repolution delivers a simple analytics suite that allows a saleperson to answer every question about their business: Who, what, when, where, how, and— most importantly through the review platform—WHY. It delivers season over season comparisons and assortments building.

product knowledge & learning tool

The EduPoint product education experience is powered by the Product Point database. Each product experience contains all the information delivered by the brands as well as reviews from other sales people, & product development. It also includes press, magazine reviews, awards, featured videos, and selling tips from employees.

A fully mobile point of sale system - sell wherever

A brand-to-retailer portal providing everything from business analytics to orders to assortment creation. In addition, it’s a POS solution for retail sales associates. Shop employees on the app are able to sell current inventory and brand inventory to a customer 24/7. All transactions are between the retailer and consumer, or retailer and brand.

Let the pros point to the products and sell

There’s nothing more powerful than the endorsement of a core user. Brands invest in these users through free product and pro purchase discounts. Guide Point allows top sellers or pros to actually sell whenever, wherever! Industry professionals on the app are able to sell current inventory and brand inventory to a customer 24/7.  

Turn your biggest fans into sales ambassadors

This is your consumer-to-consumer marketplace for selling used gear. Once an individual is on any part of the app, they can sell their personal gear to the collective group. Everyone from presidents of brands to an ordinary customer can sell to each other in a closed environment. They can also post “wanted” requests for specific items.

Let’s get started in 3 simple steps.


Connect with us

Fill out our contact form. We want to learn about your challenges and how Flywheel can help your business grow!


Explore Options

Once you’ve connected with a Flywheel team member and gone through a demo, we’ll explore options for your business.


Get Results

We’ll help you get your business set up with Flywheel, and then you can watch the results come in!

Ready for a demo?